Meeting the 40% requirement affects decision making to join or start a new work task. This 10K Dare is meeting 90% requirements
Profits are better than wages because wages make you a living and profits make you a fortune. Whenever you need to make a decision, try to stay neutral and understand exactly what the new opportunity means. Trying to understand the new opportunity with a biased mindset means looking for the points to satisfy your biased judgement and you won't be able to make the right decision. Avoid taking decisions on incomplete inputs. Do not focus on how many wrong decisions you have taken in the past, must focus how many right decision you have taken and how many decisions you have made right by working on them. The lucky are those who are taking immediate action since the seats are filling up quickly and the enrolment window will close once the numbers are reached. After you have made the decision, you must act immediately so that you are in charge of your destiny and shape your future or someone else will and you will and you will regret not taking action sooner. Remember, as long as the purpose is a common goal then unforeseen forces will join in to support the initiative and make it a success. Those who are seeking 100% fulfillment of their requirements fail to maximize their potential and strive to survive their whole lives. Similar offer you will never get in your lifetime. Below we have shown the calculation of the revenue generation projection for 10% and 20% & 50% repurchasing याद रखें, जब तक उद्देश्य एक सामान्य लक्ष्य है तब तक अप्रत्याशित ताकतें पहल का समर्थन करने और इसे सफल बनाने के लिए शामिल होंगी। जो लोग अपनी आवश्यकताओं की 100% पूर्ति चाहते हैं, वे अपनी क्षमता को अधिकतम करने में विफल रहते हैं और अपने पूरे जीवन को जीवित रखने का प्रयास करते हैं। ऐसा ऑफर आपको अपने जीवनकाल में कभी नहीं मिलेगा। भाग्यशाली वे हैं जो तत्काल कार्रवाई कर रहे हैं क्योंकि सीटें तेजी से भर रही हैं और संख्या आने के बाद नामांकन खिड़की बंद हो जाएगी। निर्णय लेने के बाद, आपको तुरंत कार्य करना चाहिए ताकि आप अपने भाग्य के प्रभारी हों और अपने भविष्य को आकार दें या कोई और करेगा और आपको जल्द ही कार्रवाई न करने का पछतावा होगा। नीचे हमने 10% और 20% और 50% पुनर्खरीद के लिए राजस्व सृजन प्रक्षेपण की गणना दिखाई है
1000 Out of 10000 connections & 1 product repurchasing 1000 X 1000 = 1000000 (Connections X Cost of 1 Product = Value)
2000 out of 10000 connections & 2 products repurchasing 1000 X 2000 = 2000000 (Connections X Cost of 2 Products = Value)
5000 out of 10000 connections & 5 products repurchasing 5000 X 5000 = 25000000 (Connections X Cost of 2 Products = Value) The benefits The Thrive initiative provides learning and earning opportunities for individuals working in a group of 10 members (Future Changemakers Group) to learn various types of personal development skills, team management skills and also to build their own connections. The work task is digital subscription selling of Rs. 100 which is unique and no competitor and a dire need of every road user. The initiative is unmatched in the world with no loss and 14 benefits as mentioned under: 1 Upto Rs. 30K or more monthly income for 2 years (By Decade, Centurion & Millennium Group Members) 2 After 2 years earn Certificate of Master of Conscious Connections 3. Profit Sharing Agreement 4 Passive income for your life time as FC Bonus*. 5 Job Placement assistance with a starting CTC of 10 Lakh 6 Assistance to start own business 7 Vatan Ka Heera Award 8. Recognition opportunity from United Nations** 9. International Tour 10. Gratitude Meditation Habit 11. Office desk & chair at designated office on reservation basis***. 12. Sense of contribution to nation 13. Safe journeys for everyone. 14. Own The title - Future Changemaker
* Repurchasing revenue generated by your connections through our admin team. ** Top performer eligible to get recognition from United States based on the recommendation of Mother India Care. *** Proposed Locations across India.
The above national campaign is receiving a huge applauds from the road safety professionals and career & life coaches. Under this Thrive campaign individuals are getting enrolled every day across India (One Lakh Seats). The seats are limited and once the numbers are met the enrollment window will be closed.
In dashboard the ambassador will have the access to view names, repurchasing items and amount, but the advisors will have the complete access.
The 10K Magic Tree of Blessings & Money - Thrive in 2022, sow the wisdom & wealth seed to make the leap year 2024 a reap year. The wisdom & wealth seeds If you want to reap financial blessings you have to sow financially. If you need harvest, the field will ask for the seed first. Harvesting is reserved for the sower. The law of sowing & reaping says you get lot more than what you sow provided you take good care of your plant. The enrollment Fee is Rs. The law of large numbers in particular about coin tossing, that if we flips a coin for 10 times the coin lands heads for about 5 times. Everyone who strive to thrive in 2022, who made the Connections Building - SMART Goal as their dire need, all are calling it as Futuristic - Optimistic - Realistic - Smart Goal #FORSG First we make the decisions then the decisions make us. Once decision is taken work on it and never give up. Always follow the ants’ philosophy, go in all direction, up and down to find the way and you will find. सिक्का उछालने के बारे में विशेष रूप से बड़ी संख्या का नियम, कि यदि हम एक सिक्के को 10 बार उछालते हैं तो सिक्का लगभग 5 बार सिर पर आता है।
पहले हम निर्णय लेते हैं फिर निर्णय हमें करते हैं। एक बार निर्णय लेने के बाद उस पर काम करें और कभी हार न मानें। हमेशा चींटियों के दर्शन का पालन करें, रास्ता खोजने के लिए ऊपर और नीचे सभी दिशाओं में जाएं और आप पाएंगे।
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