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 5F Matrix - A-H Statements & 1-6 Questions - Verified Solution 

A.     Families are always waiting for the safe return of their member, head or bread earner at home. It is a nightmare to imagine every day 400 plus unfortunate families getting the terrific and shocking news, "Your loved one has passed away" in a road accident in place of the hope for a safe return.  These very unfortunate families hardly get a chance to say last goodbye to their loved ones of road accident victim. If the family member is bread earner than the unfortunate family is being forced to poverty. Lifestyle, education, marriage and economics of such unfortunate families are seriously affected and causing a huge GDP loss to nation as well.

B.    The research found that 97% of road users are placing blame on others & outer world, only 3% of road users took the responsibility for the daily road accident deaths. It is noteworthy to mention here that by placing the blames on others, road users are committing 2 mistakes. One is by doing so they are closing the doors of self-improvement. Self-improvement is infinite and perfection is unattainable. Second, by doing so they are spreading the negative energy into the environment and the environment is filled with the negative energy. Naysayers are picking this negative energy and going out of control and consequently, the road accident deaths are increasing. .. Thus the negative energy is ruling us

C.   While learning driving people pay full attention and after learning they pay divided attention. Then they claim to know everything and show their egotistical attitude and close their focus window. This lack of focus leads to accidental suicide.

Q1.    Would you feel that these accidental suicide must be ended?

Q2.     Would you like to be a master of self-control in an out of control world?

D.    Acting against better judgment due to weakness of will is called Akrasia. The Akrasia Virus is so dangerous and silently destroying the growth of our lives. Those infected with this Akrasia Virus always procrastinate, procrastination leads to omission, and omission leads to accidental suicide. The procrastination tendency prevents us from implementing our awareness intelligence into action. Mother India Care has started Action Implementation Movement across India to end road carnage and also in support of United Nation SDGs Agenda 2030.

E.  We prefer instant gratification which leads to accidental suicide. Therefore the delayed gratification is integrated to achieve 360 degree reversal in road accident deaths in India by 2030. We must flip the script and realize “the tragedy that occurs with others can happen to us as well, so we will always strive for better self-improvement every day at body and mind level” and learn how to drive human body and then metal body. We know nothing about the tiniest atom of the universe and with this notion we can improve our focus time and start improving the focus by taking 5 minute focus dare.

Q3.   Would you like to join national movement to take action as per the individual capacity to end road carnage?

Q4.     Would you like to prevent the infection of this Akrasia Virus and improve self improvement ?

Q5.     Would you like to prevent the infection of this Akrasia Virus and learn how to drive human body on road  improve focus and self improvement  and ?

F.  Science says when you tell someone not to do something, they will be more motivated than ever to do it because of the psychological behavior known as reactance. This behavioural reactance is a type of mechanism where our brain wants to ensure the self-control that, we are free to do, whatever it is, that, we want to do, with our own lives. People tend to react to restrictive words by doing restrictive things because their mind set is leaned toward negativity. For road safety awareness displaying messages don’t jump red signal don't drink and drive etc., are also restraining words.

G. Based on psychology the Japanese concept of 3 wise monkeys conveying the message as speak no evil, see o evil and hear no evil have been changed by Mother India Care to 6 wise monkey and flipped the script to convey the message as speak only good, see only good, hear  only good, think only good, do only good and be only good. Based on these principles Mother India Care started signature initiative of 5F Matrix to rewrite destiny with WP & BP Techniques which has been experimented and verified  by Global Wisdom Research Center and the verified solution to end road carnage. The 5F Matrix is a basic subscription which includes burn-up & power-up process with WP & BP Techniques and having 92% positive impact which is great achievement. We are sure the impact and adhesion rate would be 100% with the additional subscriptions. Pick up the pen and start writing. Writing is a voyage to the inner. Write until it becomes as natural as breathing and makes you anxious when not writing.. Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart. Every minute is a chance to change the writing of destiny. With writing you can make anything so rewrite destiny. Writing by hand is a powerful tooll for learning, relaxation, creativity and connections and it offers insights, renewal and clear perspective of goals in general.

Q5.  The theory and research posit that implementation of conscious intelligence can achieve 360 degree reversal in road accident deaths in India by 2030. Would you like to flip the script to flip the result ?  

Q6.   India rewrites destiny by subscribing for the 5F Matrix. Would you subscribe for 5F Matrix ?

H.  .  The 5F Matrix is a verified process by Global Wisdom Research Center which is the first and foremost tool of 21 Tools of DOAP Toolkit to achieve 360 degree reversal in road accident deaths. The DOAP Toolkit is designed to keep engaged road users for the yearlong and every year so that they can improve themself on daily basis level by level. The level 5 is the diamond dare and the road user who completes this diamond dare will get the Seal of the Inner Winner. Subscribe for the basic subscription through the below link and show your solidarity to end road carnage and provide safer roads to our next generation. Let us together make the biggest change for a greener world.

Click here to subscribe for 5F Matrix, the basic subscription.


Click here to know more in details about verified solution - 5F Martix

 5F Matrix - Burn-up & Power-up Process. Click below to subscribe 

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