Overview India witness a life casualty every 4 minutes in a road accident. The increase in the death ratio is maximum due to the lack of proper aid in time to the road accident victim. Many people are dying every year due to road traffic crashes. Mother India Care - MIC has recognized the importance of addressing road safety in order to reduce the road accident injuries and death. MIC has been pr-eminent in spreading the messages through a wide variety of grass root activities aimed at raising awareness amongst all level of society as to the risks and consequences associated with a lack of safety prevention awareness.
Mother India Care is working as a pressure group and the idea and intention is to educate and encourage the people in general and drivers in particulars for safe driving. Road safety is priority by MIC while driving and riding. MIC has launched its national project "ROAD SAFETY IS LIFE SAFETY" with a goal of ZERO DEATH & NO SERIOUS INJURY IN ROAD CRASH in India. The solution could be derived or the remedial measure could be worked upon if the road commuters are aware about the cause and the fatal consequences of road traffic crashes.
Road Safety is a common responsibility of all road users (individuals, students, professionals, corporate & government) and key stakeholders and all should contribute in their capacity. Government of India has implemented the new motor vehicle act 2019 and increased the panelty amount. This has reduced the accidents but not the fatalities caused by road accidents. Mother India Care has designed a decade of action plan 2021-2030, comprehensive national project on road safety with an ultimate goal of zero death & no serious injury by road crash in India. The road safety Comprehensive national project plan is designed from the grass root level and it has been categorized in 10 Nos. of integrated & auxiliary projects with the methodology to support the development of our master project plan as mentioned under.
1. Road Safety Oath (Sub Project) Adopt a Road Safety Oath by the road users online and also offline as a pre-commitment of responsible road user.
2. Decade of Action Plan
Every one minute 1 road crash in India, and every 4 minutes 1 road accident death is occurring in India. Rapid growth in population, urbanization is causing increase in motorization, increase in traffic congestion and road crash incidents. 78% of road accidents are occurring due to driver’s fault and also called as on-road mistakes suicide. When these accidents are caused by human mistakes, then mistakes can be rectified and the road accidents can also be prevented. Government alone can not tackle this disastrous issue. All road users and key stakeholders should make a combined effort to bring a biggest and preemptive change in this human induced disaster. If we want to bring a biggest change, all it depends how many people are supporting and pushing for it. We often chose temporary solution to a problem and that often become permanent problem. Some road users want to be a part of solution and some want to be a problem. We have done the survey and research work and covered all the possible causes of road accidents wherein constant improvement is required in road safety standards. We have prepared a decade of action plan 2021-2030, a comprehensive protocol and research based toolkit on national road safety with a noble & ultimate goal of zero death and no serious injury by road crash in India by the year end 2030.
3. SpeakUp for Raod Safety Campaign (Sub Project) PAN India campaign on road safety wherein road users can speakUp for road safety issues. The road users can assess their daily road journey, can identify their traffic related risk and generate demand to fix. We will be approaching competent authority and make them to sign a pledge to address the issues/demands of the road users.
4. SOS 24X7 Emergency Assistance Services for Road Users (Sub Project) Post Crash Care and Remedial Measures to provide timely Help to road accident victims with the extensive networking alliance available infrastructure and resources and online monitoring of emergency service dispatch. Mobile App and toll free no. 1800 1212 247 can be used for SOS 24 x 7 Emergency Services. Services Include Ambulance on Call, Doctor on Call, Mechanic on Call, Tow on Call, Air Ambulance on Call.
5. Road Safety Audit - RSA Assessment & rating of Road conditions, assessment & ranking of road users and crash risk mapping. Monitoring of driver behaviour and maintaining record of rating and ranking. Identifying potential road safety problems/issues (related to road infrastructure, traffic management, vehicle fitness & road users behaviour), preparing detailed report and approaching competent authorities for the necessary improvement which can add value to the road safety. Road Safety Audit also involves the identification of hazards, who is at risk from the hazard, and an evaluation of the risk in terms of how serious the consequences might be if the hazard is realised, together with how ofen that might happen.
The fundamental goal of the Road Safety Audit is to identify areas within the highway / road / roadside design where there is a potential risk for an incident and then recommend measures that may be implemented to reduce the likelihood of risk.
6. Wall of Remembrance Club (Sub Project) Wall of remembrance club formed for the road crash death victims and a club that no one wants to join during their lifetime.
The ADOPT – A – KM (AAK) initiative is a public service and also volunteer program that provides opportunity for individual road users & Corporate to participate in a community activity by keeping our road network in good conditions. AAK is an initiative to repair pothole, to re-marking of roads, to instal reflective signage so as to increase night visibility, to maintain landscaped area and also to pick up litter along city and Indian Roads and medians, to increase the green cover and also to keep roads litter free. Potholes if not repaired immediately it can cause a road crash injuries or death. Pollution is at rise and we need to protect our environment. When left uncollected, litter and debris are washed into our storm drains, and ultimately into the rivers . Nation is needs every citizens and let us keep and maintain cleanliness around us and on roads. Govt. is doing its task and the AAK campaign is supplement the government efforts. The AAK Campaign is a valuable tool in helping to repair pothole, increase night visibility, increase green cover, minimize trash and keep our roads and streams environmentally healthy and beautiful.
7. Safe Road Users Club (Sub Project) Not all the road users are more attentive and cautious towards road safety and majority of them are Risky Road User, for being so they are causing serious road crashes and are more dangerous fellow road users and their lives. Majority of road crashes are occurring due to human mistakes which can be corrected. We are correcting the mistakes of road users with our nationwide road users assessment campaign which is going. The road users who are successfully completing the training and assessment session will get host of exclusive privileges such as Gift Vouchers of Human Body Health Check, Metal Body Check, Vehicle Insurance, Car Accessories, Safe Road User Sticker, Certificate and also Safe Road User award*.
8. Road Safety Ambassador (Sub Project) The Road Safety Ambassadors program is designed for the public awareness and promoted by MOTHER INDIA CARE. The Ambassadors are united for road safety, and are supporting MIC Project on road safety for the sustainable solution to improve road safety. The Road Safety Ambassadors are actively involved and participating in Strategic planning, funding & implementing the plan of action to achieve the set target in support to the Global plan of United Nation Decade of Action for road safety. We are approaching stakeholders, transport department, civic authorities, government agencies, automobile industry leaders, fleet owners, organizations and individuals to come forward and join us to prevent accidents and save lives of daily road accident victims.
9. Heedo-O Meter Most of accidents occurs due to human error and these errors was due to mind wandering. We have owned up a technology that is research based and invented by Dr. Jyotsna Singh - Chief Scientist (Global Wisdom Research Center). This Heed-o meter triggers a bouncer when a driver mind is somewhere else, not on the the task at hand, at driving. Road Safety Care mobile app will have this feature.
10. Infrastructure development near Accident Prone area Setting up of Chain of Accident Centers – ARCs on major Highways across India to provide emergency services such as ICU & First Aid, Doctor & Nurse, Rest Room, Ambulance Van, Tow, Refreshments, Oxygen Bar, Automobile Garage, Mobile ARC (Hospital on Wheels), Ambulance Drone, Emergency Refueling & Bank ATMs
11. Road Safety Kit - Night Visibility Improvement (Sub Project)
12. Traffic Rule Modification (Sub Project) A. Safe Passage for Ambulance with existing infrastructure. B. Road Crash Rescue Training to be made mandatory for all driving license holders. C. Maintaining of Road Users score |