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Adopt Road Safety Oath

Vatan Ka Heera - Dare

Plant A 10K Magic Tree
Of Blessings & Money
The Best seed to
Thrive in 2022

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A Genius Road User &
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Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam.....

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National Dare of Mother India Care

Gimba Therapy

National Road Safety IA

Behavioral Emission Test

WBH Index

 Mother India Care is promoting its national campaign, "EMERGENCY", which aims to end road carnage by transforming public awareness into preparedness through Mind Gardening thru GIBMA Kriya-using 4P Techniques.. 

1.    Burning Kriya: We are providing a trash script to remove it from the subconscious so as to free up the space and to change the mindset, to change the unwanted bad habits. You need to root out and burn the weeds in the garden of your mind to free up the space to sow right seeds, feed new superscript so as to form new habit, the first level – Burning Kriya.


2. Neutrality Kriya: Road users must do the road safety gratitude meditation atleast for 7 minutes and do the Yog Sadhna for 35 minutes thru playing the YouTube video for the commitment and goal adoption (individual & common goal) of “Road Safety is Life Safety” and observe 24 hrs in neutral state of mind.


3.  Sowing Kriya: Road User must sow the right seeds in the garden of their mind thru 4P techniques so as to form new habit and which is integrated to achieve 360 reversal in road accident deaths in India by 2030.


4. Caring Kriya: Road users must take care throughout their life for the plants sown in their mind garden and become ethical mind Gardner to make road journeys safer for every one. .

We are providing a superscript constituted on the principles of science of psychology and by writing it on a paper which acts as food for thoughts and bread for the head and it also redefining, rewiring, and reconditioning the brain to lean into new habit and positivity through GIBMA Kriya using 4P techniques so as to rewrite destiny and the process is researched and verified by Global Wisdom Research,

Every road user must complete the all the 4 Kriyas of GIBMA Kriya for mind gardening  & write down the superscript of road safety oath using 4P techniques to store it into their subconscious as a promise to prove their actions and behavior on the roads to be a part of solution. You are burning negativity, rooting out weeds from your mind garden thereby feeding controlled input to subconscious mind to get controlled output which is integrated to achieve a common smart goal of 360 degree reversal to road accident deaths in India by 2030.

Before proceeding just ask one simple question from yourself - Do you want to be part of solution? If the answer is yes then you are welcome to complete the below 2 steps and by doing so you will be extending your contribution to make road journeys safer for everyone and you will become genius road user.

Mother India Care is promoting its national campaign, "EMERGENCY", which aims to end road carnage by transforming public awareness into preparedness through Mind Gardening thru GIBMA Kriya-using 4P Techniques..


 Step 1 - Burn up your negativity before it burns you up. Burn & Spit what you want to quit. 

Welcome to the family of conscious community club for having accepted the national dare of Mother India Care for self-improvement and positive energy recharging to rule negative energy.

The task under National Dare. A. Do the gratitude meditation thru the below video. B - Sit down for 5 minute and do audit your mind garden what you have sown over there since your birth and you will find many negativity. C. Write down all these below negative affirmation points with your own hand writing on a yellow colour paper with red pen or white paper with black pen and burn it with matchstick or lighter. D - Register your national dare by selecting the appropriate category (Student-Passenger-Drive) and enter your details. E- Do the ypg Sadhna through the youtube video and Celebrate & observe 24 hours neutrality dare. F- Receive the link for superscript in you email inbox to follow the simple level of performance. Get Road User Registration RUR No., certificate. DARE TO CARE

1.     Violating traffic rule

2.     Driving without obtaining proper license.

3.     Not wearing helmet and or safety seatbelt

4.     Mind wandering & self talking when on road

5.     Driving under the influence of alcohol / drugs / sleepiness / tiredness.

6.     Using mobile phone while moving on roads

7.     Over-speeding & overloading and also overtaking from left.

8.     Instigating and indulging in road rage incidents

9.      Looking for the presence of traffic police and jumping red light at Traffic signal point.

10.    Changing lanes frequently

11.     Blocking free passage for ambulance

12.    Putting a deadlock for self-improvement

13.    Starting late from the origin and rushing to the destination.

14.     Bribing traffic police when caught on traffic violation.

15.     Driving closely to front vehicle.

16.     Driving at the black spot

17.     Not maintaining sufficient 3  feet distance from left and right sides of my vehicle.

18.     Honking unnecessarily

19.     Watching car and bike racing games in TV or mobile phone

20.     Ignoring road traffic risk and hazards.

21.     Giving preference to convenience over safety

22.    Taking turn without giving indication in advance.

23.    Moving forward without seeing and assuming the risk at left and right side.

24.    Ignoring the road crash victim for extending help.

25.    Not implementing road safety awareness and intelligence into action.

26.    Not maintaining self-discipline on roads.

27.   Blaming others for daily road accident deaths.

28.   A Belief I know everything and sowing seeds in my mind without knowing their fruits


Once you complete the writing of the above lines, take a picture of the paper you have wriiten, and send it to our whatsapp number 9945110671 and after sending it, just burn that paper with match stick or lighter and just spit out thrice and then read out the below line loudly.


"I have removed the woods and burned the unwanted and bad habits out", and these things are having zero existence in my life. I have dropped old habits and ready willing and able to adopt new habits.




Congratulations to me.!!  and celebrate thru the below video.


Once you have completed the above first step of GIBMA setting, select the category below and proceed to step 2 so as to observe neutrality for 24 hours and also to perform the simple task (under the national dare) of your choice and also apply to get the RUR number and certificate and exclusive privileges.


 Click on the below button of appropriate category to register yourself for adopting new habit with the positive self-affirmation thru the superscript which is a food for thoughts, bread for head, a road safety oath, a promise to prove your behaviour & actions on roads. 
 Video 1 - Road Safety Gratitude Meditation 
 Video 2 - Yog Sadhna 
 Video 3 - Celebration Time 
 Kiara Mittal - National Ambassador For Road Safety - Form Mumbai - Rewrites Destiny 

 Redefining the negative affirmation messages of 3 Wise Monkeys of Mahatama Gandhi Ji with positive affirmation messages  

 Chain of Disaster relief centers - DRCs will be set up across India, from the proceeds of National Dare - road safety oath. 
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