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Adopt Road Safety Oath

Vatan Ka Heera - Dare

Plant A 10K Magic Tree
Of Blessings & Money
The Best seed to
Thrive in 2022

Amal Bharat Andolan


Introspect & become
A Genius Road User &
Join Introspectors Group

National Road Safety Atlas

Going Green

We Support United Nations
Paris Agreement

MIC Grandeur

Kaun Banega Supergenius

Runners Club India

Rally 2 Rule

All India & Wold rally 

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam.....

Disaster Relief Center

Beat Drug Menance

Road Safety Academy

Action & Prevention


National Dare of Mother India Care

Gimba Therapy

Decade Of Action Plan - DOAP 2021-2030 on National Road Safety

Addressing all issues and Healing the root cause of road accident deaths in India by 2030, and the world will follow Mother India Care's wisdom on road safety.


Every one minute 1 road crash in India, and every 4 minutes 1 road accident death is occurring in India. Rapid growth in population, urbanization is causing increase in motorization, increase in traffic congestion and road crash incidents. 78% of road accidents are occurring due to driver’s fault and also called as on-road mistakes suicide.  When these accidents are caused by human mistakes, then mistakes can be rectified and the road accidents can also be prevented. Government alone can not tackle this disastrous issue. All road users and key stakeholders should make a combined and powerful effort to bring a biggest and preemptive change in this human induced disaster. If we want to bring a biggest change, all it depends how many people are supporting and pushing for it.

United Nation has declared the years 2021-2030 as the decade of action for road safety. Please click here to see the draft resolution of United Nations. 

Government of India and even United Nations has also called upon the business, industry and corporate sector to contribute to the attainment of the road safety-related Sustainable Development Goals. Many stakeholders are doing their bit, with a briefer way, lesser reach and shorter period, which last for shorter memory in the mind of road users, as road users tend to forget and have become habitual offenders. Awareness camapaigns are not working because road users will do only that what is deposited in their subconscious which has has become their habit. Flood is coming or flood has drowned your house. which warning message is important for you to take action it is up to you. Taking action with the warning message of flood is coming is humanity, waiting for the flood to drown your house is insanity. People are living a life of dormant consciousness.

Repeated actions form habit. Habit can be changed but once it becomes behaviour, once it becomes reflex then no body can change it and we will be facing tremendous increase in the road accident deaths. Road users are now in the fourth stage and to change the habit we to heal this root cause through mind gardening.

We need the drastic changes, we need to extend our reach to PAN India. We need the consistency and integration in road safety awareness activities and  campaigns. The result of organized and integrated efforts of team work always give a lasting and greater impact.  When all road users started practicing road safety and also started realizing the importance of road safety, the ultimate vision zero goal can be achieved. Our combined effort can defeat the pandemic, that the lesson we have learnt from the present pandemic.

We all had to take the Vaccine Dose to prevent the infection of the viruis. Same way we all have to take GIBMA Kriya to prevent the infection of bad road sense BRS virus which is waiting on roads to infect us.

Road users are falling into two categories, 1- who blame others are responsible for road accident deaths, and 2- who claim we are well experienced road users. By doing so bothe categories people are putting a deadlock for their self-improvement. There is no challenge more challenging than the challenge to improve yourself.

No one should die in a road accident but it is the result of a process that no one wants to follow. To get the OUTPUT, we have to give first INPUT and then INPUT needs to be processed to get our desired result, i.e. OUTPUT.

GIBMA Kriya (Burning Kriya, Neutrality Kriya, Sowing Kriya, Caring Kriya) Sanitized input is the right INPUT and process is caring kriya and the output is the RESULT which is integrated to achieve zero death and no serious road crash injury in India by 2030.   That's why Mother India Care has taken the initiative to administer GIBMA Kriya to all road users and thus healing the root cause of road accident deaths

All road users should take GIBMA Kriya, all key stakeholders should take the leadership and responsibility as per their capacity (city/district/state/national) level to administer Gibma Kriya and make a combined and powerful effort to bring a total reformatory change .

We have done the survey and research work and covered all the possible causes of road accidents wherein constant improvement is required in road safety standards.   Mother India Care, is addressing all issues of road safety and providing solution. MIC have constituted and prepared a decade of action plan  2021-2030, a comprehensive project on national road safety with a noble & ultimate goal of zero death and no serious road crash injury in India by 2030.

Decade of Action Plan – DOAP 2030 and the DOAP Toolkit –  21 Tool Assets to Achieve 360 degree reversal in road accident deaths in India by 2030.

1. National Dare of Mother India Care:

Presenting dare to all road users to become better. Road users can accept the dare, register themselves to get Road Users Registration RUR No. and can adopt oath of commitment and add SOS into their daily self-care routine to conquer themselves. Save-O-Scope SOS is webtool where in road users can confess, correct and compensate for their mistakes which they have committed against them on daily basis.


1. MBBS in Road Safety thru Gibma Kriya

Advocating Presenting Rewrite destiny with 5 F Matrix, 5 Level Individual engagement, the road safety oath a promise to prove your actions and behaviour on roads. The GIBMA Kriya, (4 step process) very important tool for Mind-Brain-Body-Sync MBBS in road safety, to upgrade their inner intfelligence to work like robotic intelligence. The campaign  is promoted for self-improvement and to maintain self-discipline integrated to achieve 360 degree reversal to road accident deaths in India by 2030, a Common SMART Goal – CSG. . (Status-Active) We are engaging and monitoring the road journey of every road users and providing the Justified Preventions - JP Reward Points.

2. Road Safety Recharge:

Advocating to mind Recharging with anticipatory gratitude meditation, deep breathing and positive affirmation every day before every journey to increase the level of focus . Make your own Vision Board at home and put your individual goal on it and as well as common goal of road safety and use road safety constant reminders (stickers etc.) on vision board,  on vehicles, workplace as it will work as constant reminder. Mind and Body Care – MBC Kit. (Status-Active)

3. Road Users Audit: :

Every road users must be audited Focus on road sense and safety, online and offline assessment of children and adults as road users, the ranking profile of road users will be maintained in our database and can be accessed on request. Road safety course for children and road safety refresher training programs for adults, and also for international traveler training program will be provided.  Road Safety Proficiency – RSP score will be provided and maintained by us to access the individual score (Like CIBIL Score).The RSP Score must be included in the hiring policy by corporate.First Learn how to drive human body and then learn how to drive metal body on roads. Every day we face new and different situations on roads and facing them which is not taught in any instituation and MIC is providing this ability also. (Status-Active)

4. Road Journey Audit:

Be a Road Safety Commander, Road users should assess their daily road journey, identify road traffic related risk and generate demand to fix. Raise the demand and register it with us. Raising public awareness and advocating for say no to honking. (Status-Active)

5. Road Safety Audit:

Road Conditions Rating – RCR, Vehicle Safety Rating – VSR , Traffic Management Rating – TMR, Crash Response Rating – CRR, Key Stakeholders Rating – KSR will be provided to all concern, and also crash risk mapping (to provide risk alert messages to road users) will be done. Recreation of Road accidents to investigate the cause of road accident.  (Status-under development)

6. Adopt – A – Km:

Adopt and Maintain Road Stretch in a city limit or highways (National and or state highways) to Repair and also to beautify landscape spot on the road medians or road junctions. Building contributors Network for Road repair and maintenance area wise and nation wide. (Status-under development)

7. Road Safety R & D:

Research and development on road safety, road users behaviour, road infrastructure, traffic management and emergency response. 6 Wise monkeys of Mother India Care. (Status-Active)

8. Road Safety News:

News and solution, Panel discussions,  e-interview live session on social media and making approach to individuals and key stake holders to collect the data on their activities for road safety. Dedicated TV channel . (Status-Active)

9. URSWG: 

United Road Safety Warriors Group – The Future Changemakers Army FCA – National Family of Mother India Care – FCA Network to encourage fellow road users to take GIBMA Kriya by presenting a national dare for self-improvement, and navigating to achieve the common goal. Network of Road Safety Advisory Committee, Ambassadors and Advisors  across India. (Status-Active)

10. Road Safety Wisdom:

Advocating to make your intelligence so strong what is actually right for you so that your intelligence should control your mind, where as our body is controlled by our mind and enslaved us. Use tips to overcome mind wandering.  Children will be encouraged to make an appeal by presenting national dare to their parents to be back safely. Kaun Banega Supergenius - Road Safety Quiz, Biyearly book and an annual Magazine on road safety and also road safety dare or truth game. (Status-Active)

11. Emergency Rescue Club: 

Roadside breakdown assistance,   emergency medical services, ambulance services, tow services, driver on call and doctor on call SOS Callout. 13 Aasra Insurance (Life cover and accident cover) (Status-under development)

12. Disaster Relief Center:

Setting up of chain of Disaster Relief Centers – DRCs on major highways across India, with the emergency facilities and advance technology such as Medical Assistive Robot, Drone Ambulance etc. (Status-under development) Memorial to road traffic victim will be erected and a wall of remembrance will be set up with a remembrance club, the club that no one wants to join in their life time. (Status-under development)

13. Road Safety Blindfold Games:

Road Safety Blindfold RSB Games is promted by to increase focus while on the roads and also to increase the rate of compliance with road traffic rules.


14. Rally 2 Rule:

There is no match between darkness and light but light must be active because in the absence of light darkness is automatic. There is no match between dormant consciousness and waking consciousness but waking consciousness must be active because in the absence of waking consciousness dormant consciousness is automatic.  India Tour & World Tour will be made as “Rally 2 Rule” negative energy with positive energy . Navigational Tour to be organized (Status-Active)

15. Road Safety Club:

Building Local Community - Formation of Road Safety Club area wise (commercial and residential) across India to discuss the issues and solutions of road safety with a view to community involvement. Roster of area club members and the committee members should be registered with the Mother India Care. Club members can take the local area wise responsibility as per their capacity. (Status-Active)

16. Road Safety Production:

Engaging Road Safety Video Games (Hazard - O - Scope, Consequence - O - Scope, Heed - O - Scope, Crash - O - Scope,  Save - O - Scope & Imrpove-O-Scope), Documentaries and feature movie on road safety informative movie powered with action, comedy, music, songs. (Status-under development)

17. Road Safety  Recognition:

Special online and offline events and contest will be conducted  to recognize the performance and achievements and also the digital exhibition. on road safety. (Status-Active)

18. National Road Safety Atlas :

Road Safety National Action Implementation Movement to transform public awareness into preparedness. FCA will be approaching every individual Register your profile, log your actions and be counted and reflected on National Road Safety Atlas, a road safety actions flowchart. Records of actions taken by key stakeholders on road safety will be maintained. (Status-Active) Register your every action and their impact on National Road Safety Atlas. Showcasing Road Safety Social Responsibility Initiatives and Impacts and also Road Safety Social Responsibility Community Involvement

19.  Road Safety Reach: 

Liaison with government, foreign embassies, & International communities, legal affairs, Collaborations with corporate and business world, Land Selection for joint development of DRC  &,  Monitoring of 21 Tools  (Status-Active)

20. Road Safety Care:

Manufacturing of road safety gadgets and also the mobile app RSC - V1.1 Android and iOS, with real time monitoring of driving and riding behavior such as Time, Speed & Focus with various other features on road safety. (Status-under development)

21. Road Safety Gratitude Prayer:  “Thank you Almighty Light for Blessing me with Serenity, Stability and Safety on Roads, Please forgive me, I love You, Thank you”. . Every road users must recite this road safety gratitude prayer atleast 7 minutes in the morning for the awakening of cosmic connection to identify the safety messages sent by the cosmos to handle the distress situation. Akaal Akhand Jyoti (Uninterrupted light of Almighty) lighting up 24/7 till eternity. (Status-Active)



Darkness has no match with the light but light must be active, becuase in the absence of light darkness is automatic. In the absence of


A-Z of Road Safety


Buckle up


Drive Safe

Emergency Vehicle

Focus on Road


High beam




Lane Driving

Mobile Phone

Night Driving




Road Rage





Warning Signs

Xtra Care

Yellow Light

Zebra Crossing


On 26th Nov 2020 - 6th Foundation Day of MIC
Mother India Care has constituted and adopted Decade of Action Plan 2030 on National Road Safety and Hon'ble Upalokayukta Justice BS Patil (present Lokayukta) was the chief guest who inaugurated the DOAP 2030 adoption ceremony. We took feedback and suggestions for around 2 months and on 26th Jan 2021 the DOAP 2030 was implemented.

On 26th Nov 2021 - 7th Foundation Day of MIC
Mother India Care has launched its DOAP Toolkit and started National Movement to End Road Carnage. We have also included the campaign of United Nations "Flip the Script" in the first tool. Our ongoing efforts of conferring of awards ceremony though special event will be continued.  History will ask who has contributed what and who has done what on road safety. A book on road safety will be published with review report of every 2 years. The Mother India Care, a registered public charitable trust, a leader in road safety, promoter of United Road Safety Warriors Group,  and creator of decade of action plan 2021-2030. Together we can achieve this vision zero goal.

On 26th Nov 2022 - 8th Foundation Day of MIC
Mother India Care has amplified its National Movement to End Road Carnage. Mother India Care has rebranded the first and formost tool as GIBMA Kriya to End Road Carnage. It has activated 4 more tools of the DOAP Toolkit assets and working on remaining tools of DOAP Toolkit to activate them

On 26th Nov 2023 - 9th Foundation Day of MIC
Mother India Care has started National Movement to End Road Carnage.
Mother India Care is providing impact report and also launching Akaal Akhand jyoti - the light of Almighty, lighting up 24/7 till eternity. Mother India Care is celebrating 5D Grande ( Constitution Day-Foundation Day-DOAP 2030 Day - Felicitation Day - Rejuvenation Day thru lighting up the Akaal Akhand Jyoti lighting up 24/7 till eternity. Mother India Care is releasing the National Road Safety Impact Report on this day.

On 26th Nov 2024 - 10th Foundation Day of MIC
Mother India Care is providing impact report on national road safety and conducting Global Conference 2024, world blindfold contest and also launching more tools of
DOAP Toolkit assets  with 5S : Smart Goal - Smart Responsibility - Smart Mobility - Smart Safety - Smart Sustainability - For the reversal of 360 degree reversal in road accident deaths in India by 2030 - in Support to UN SDGs 2030.

On 26th Nov 2025 - 11th Foundation Day of MIC
Mother India Care is going to launch its another tools on road safety and environment safety, releasing the impact report to achieve its noble goal

On 26th Nov 2026- 12th Foundation Day of MIC
Mother India Care is going to launch its another tools on road safety, environment safety and monitoring and releasing the impact report

On 26th Nov 2027 - 13th Foundation Day of MIC
Mother India Care is going to launch it other tools on road safety and environment safety, and monitoring its activities and releasing the impact report

On 26th Nov 2028 - 14th Foundation Day of MIC
Mother India Care is focusing on monitoring and releasing its impact report

On 26th Nov 2029 - 15th Foundation Day of MIC
Mother India Care is focussing and monitoring its activities and releaseing the impact eport

On 26th Nov 2030 - 16th Foundation Day of MIC
Mother India Care is going to celebrate its.....

On 26th Nov 2031 - 17th Foundation Day of MIC
Mother India Care is going to celebrate its ...........................

On 26th Nov 2032 - 18th Foundation Day of MIC
Mother India Care is going to celebrate its .................

On 26th Nov 2033 - 19th Foundation Day of MIC
Mother India Care is going to celebrate its....

On 26th Nov 2034 - 20th Foundation Day of MIC
Mother India Care is going to celebrate the launch ceremony of its Solar Power Plant in the Space.

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