We all have the attitude "I know everything", but it has an exipry date too which we have neglected. If we stop updating ouselves, we will become outdated. If we stop upgrading ourselves, we will get downgraded. By remaining the same we cannot become what we want. Never stop learning because life never stops teaching. As time passes, the effect of our knowledge also passes. The issue with information having a half-life should be obvious. Many fields depend on individuals with specialized knowledge learned through study or experience or both, but unless updated and advanced, all have an expiration date. What if your doctor is giving advice that has become obsolete since they finished medical college ? What if your own degree or qualifications are actually worthless? These are real problems, and knowing about half-lives will help you make yourself more adaptable. Any professional would need to devote at least 6 hours per week consistently if they want to stay updated. Once they stop updatinf themselves they will become outdated. All road users are expert in using roads, but they have stopped updating themselves and hence the present situation of increasing accidental suicide. Why present road safety education and its process has become ineffective? The plant does not become fruitful by pouring water on the leaves, for that water has to be supplied to the roots of the plant. Keeping the wisdom on the superficial intelligence does not make it fruitful, for that the wisdom has to be taken to the inner intelligence. Then the inner intelligence can differentiate between vision and illusion otherwise our mind will be dominating us. Our inner intelligence will be on sleeping mode and so our conscious.
Acquiring wisdom and keeping it at the superficial intelligence level and not implementing the wisdom is not a sensible thing. Even if they try to act on the wisdom they acquired, they will hardly try for once or twice then they will get back to the old mindset.
If you spray more and more water on leaves there are the chances the water can reach to the roots of the plant. If you provide knowledge at the superficial intelligence level again and again, people might listen twice or thrice and thereafter awareness will turn into sourness, because when you repeat it more than thrice, the same people will react and say we understood and don't bore us by repeating the same stuff. When you repeat it 10 times then you will be able to visualize the situation quite well which would be nothing less than a protest.
So the root cause is non supply of knowledge to inner intelligence ( also called as 7th sense or superconscious mind), lack of preparedness, lack of monitoring and lack of auditing, lack of positive evolutionary psychology words used for training of road users and lack of upgrading and updating are the key areas for immediate action.
Why Behavior Change? Global community and all key stakeholders have discovered that the human behavior is responsible for 94% of road accident deaths. All keystakeholders are organizing public awarness campaigns for behavior change. If behavior could be changed through awareness campaigns alone, no one would smoke after seeing the warning message “Smoking is injurious to health.” The current behavior of road users is the result of seeds that were sown years ago.. The knowledge we have leaned in our schools and colleges is having expiry date. The mind guided learning which is an ineffective memory and road users have considered it as correct, final and their intelligence. This finality and intelligence is proving fatal, as around 500 road users are dying and around 1100 road users are becoming disabled every day in India. These road accident deaths have become a serious epidemic and are even deadlier than the pandemic. We have already crossed the emergency alert level and the clouds of impending disaster is looming over us. We are in the 4th stage of development from sowing to reaping. If we have not taken the quick action for behavior change, then we will enter in the 5 stage of reflex action. If we grow to reflex then even god cannot change the reflex. Our half of the population will be disabled and daily death toll will increase to 50K every day in the future. |