Network is endeavoring to achieve the common smart goal of zero road death and serious injuy in India by 2030 and together we will achieve this with the help of 3C. First C is the "Commitment" as it guarantees start, and 2nd C is the Concentration as it guarantees momentum, and 3rd C is the " Consistency" as it guarantees finish. The same fomula is useful to complete the diamond dare. The monthly incentives will be paid on 5th of the following month in slabs as 1000 & above 30% 300 - 999 Units: 25 % 100 - 299 Units: 20% 01 - 99 Units : 15% Set your small goals of meeting 10 peoples, on negative response use the SSG Tool to bun the negativity, & by clicking here ......celebrate for giving the grace. On positive response by clicking here ...........self-congratulate & celebrate. The diamond dare is 10000 units, double diamond dare is 20000 units. One person is permitted for the double diamond dare, not allowed for tripple diamond dare or more. Because Mother India care has a policy to crate 1 lakh millionaire in India. 1. Working as a national warrioir to prevent road accident deaths. 2. Opportunity to interact with 10K plus people 3. Learning and earning opportunity for 2 years & GWRC Certificate - Master of Conscious Connection 4. Passive income for your lifetime as a bonus (Pofit sharing agreement on completion of 10K dare) 5. Vatan Ka Heera Award 6. Opportunity to get recognition from United Nations 7. Abroad Tour (Top 100 scrorer of online assessment test after 10K Connections completion) 8. Dedicated Manager Support For Job placement with a starting annual CTC of 10L 9. Dedicated Manager Support for Business setup 10. Online product selling ID 11. You save one precious life * 12. Your bank balance of currency and blessings 13. Feel the sense of contribution to nation The roster of subscription products that are to be used in the Action implementation moement for the 360 degree reversal to road accident deaths in India by 2030. The most of the products are web based / digital subscription based and are recurring annually. First phase we have to cover entire population to be registered for the very first product which is fundamental foundation product in the below..The task is assigned to Advisors and franchisees to build conscious community. 1. Fundamental foundational product. 5F Matrix subscription to rewrite destiny and to adopt Road Safety Oath which is a promise to prove actions and behavior on roads of every road user. Digital Product - Annual Subscription Rs, 100/- *. 2. Ranking Subscription for Road Safety Proficiency RSP Profile Ranking and Scoring. The ranking will be provided on complemetion of assessment process of road users. The RSP profile ranking will be included in the hiring policy by corporate. Digital product - Annual Subscription Rs.1000/- * 3. Tracking Subscription for Real-time tracking and daily travel history (up to 1 year) with the deatils of Start time, Speed, halt time, Reporting time and parking time. Digital poduct - Annual Subscription Rs. 1000/- ** 4. Road Safety Training for students and elders and also refresher training. Digital product - Annual Subscription Rs. 1000 and Rs. 2000. * 5. International Road Safety training for visiting country. Digital Prodcuts - Annual Subscription Rs. 1000/- * 6. Road Safety Kit - First Aid kit, constant reminding stickers, Reflective stickers for vehicles and reflective materials. Physical Product - annual subscription Rs. 1000/- *** 7. Eraser - Sleep eraser to overcome sleepiness and stress eraser to reduce stress level - an aromatic therapy. Physical Product usage based - Annual subscription Rs. 1000/- or more.*** 8. Focus monitoring Subscription for focus control to pay full attention. Digital product - Annual subscription Rs. 1000/- ** 9. Road Safety Meditation for empowering will power self confidence and safety. Digital product - annual subscription - Rs. 1000/- * 10. Callouts Subscription for emergency medical services breakdown assistance services including air ambulance and also ambulance drone. Digital product - Annual subscription Rs. 1000/- ** 11. Advance safety subscription for alert messages of accident prone area speed breaker traffic congestion and ambulance passing. Digital product - Annual subscription Rs. 1000/- ** 12. Geo Fencing Subscription for Alert messages for driving behavior of fellow road users over speeding sudden braking rash driving and sudden lane cutting within the radius of 100 meters and also tips to handle new situations on roads. Digital product - Annual subscription Rs. 1000/- ** 13. Road Safety Wisdom Magazine, and short movies Subscriptions. Digital product - Annual subscription Rs. 1000/- ** 14. Road safety gadgets subscription. Physical product and under process status. ** 15. Road Stretch Maintenance Subscription adopt a KM. Digital product - Annual subscription upto Rs. 500000/- for coporate **** 16. Insurance Subscription Digital product - Annual subscription Rs. 1000/- under process status ***** 17. Accident relief centers ARC Subscription to avail the services at ARCs. Digital product - Annual subscription Rs. 1000/- ***** 18. Grace Mark Subscription For academic and professional studies and also, study abroad. Digital product - Annual subscription Rs. 1000/- * 19. Priority Management Subscription for priority time management of your daily activities and check your productive time duration spent on , daily and weekly basis. Digital product - Annual subscription Rs. 1000/- ** 20 . Speak up for road safety / road journey audit - Identify road traffic related risks and raise demand to fix.The issues of road users will be forwarded to the competent authority for speedy addressal or through contributory fund and cliam will be made from competent authority. Annual subscription Rs. 1000/- & 10000 ******. 21 . More products will be included from time to time. * First annual subscription is web based and subsequent years subscription will be web based and through mobile app. ** Mobile app based subsciption *** Physical Product and usage based **** Product for Corporate to adopt a km ***** Product under process ****** Individual subscription Rs. 1000/- and for local Conscious Community Club Rs. 10000/- The action implementation movement is, the revolution, the resolution, the evolution, the future, and, the next generation of road safety |