United Nations on 01.09.2020 announced the years 2021-2030 as the 2nd decade of action for road safety. In support of United Nations proclamation, Mother India Care has constituted the Decade of Action Plan 2021-2030 for national road safety and adopted on 26th Nov 2020 and it was inaugurated by Hon'ble Upalokayukta Justice BS Patil through virtual ceremony and its implementation was put on hold due to the corona situation. On 26th Nov 2021, Mother India Care has launched the National Movement to end road carnage on the momentous occasion of its 7th foundation day. The National Movement was launched at Century Club and a group of Indian army and police persons first time joined together and in support of the National Movement to end road carnage. Mr. Rajendra Kumar - IAS (Principal Secretary to Govt. of Karnataka, Department of Transport, Mr. Parsuraman TR (Joint Managing Director - Toyota Industries) DCP Vedesh Kumar and many other dignitaries joined to start the National Movement. During the inaugural ceremony all joined together and formed the human map of India and sung the national anthem. Thereafter the ceremonial event continued inside the Wodiyar Hall of Century Club and the DOAP Toolkit was also launched. Decade of Action Plan - DOAP toolkit has been designed to battle against the daily road carnage with a common SMART goal of zero death and no serious road crash injury in India by 2030 The pre-event press conference was also conducted at Bangalore Press Club. We are mobilizing action from all road users, corporate, education institutions, religious organizations, charity organizations, sports organizations, govt agencies, local community club and students to take action as per their capacities to help us achieve the common smart goal #Act4CSG. All keystake holders can click here to register their profile, log their actions and make every action count on National Action Map. We have designed and launched 21 Tool Assets of DOAP Toolkit and providing opportunities for corporate to view sponsorship opportunities and click here to view project and implementation schedule, corporate to support DOAP Toolkit through CSR partnership, please click here to view more details on DOAP Toolkit. The national movement is catching its momentum for a biggest change with the 2 Cs, first C is the COMMITMENT, it guarantees the start, and second C is CONSISTENCY, it guarantees the finish. Children and road users should be educated and monitored properly in the beginning and formative period, otherwise they will be spoilt for choice and they will have the lack of discipline. Lack of strictness while providing license and enforcement and now new motor bill failed to curb road accident deaths. The year 2022 and 2023 are marked as the reformative years for national road safety wherein we are rectifying the mistakes and implementing the corrections by rewiring the brain. It is en era in which we have redefined the messages of 3 wise monkeys based on the psychological research so at to change the mindset of road users. The conventional 3 wise monkeys conveying the messages of see no evil, speak no evil and hear no evil have been redefined to 5 wise monkeys of mother India Care conveying the messages of, see only good, speak only good, hear only good, do only good and be only good. On the basis of law of attraction our mind is biased to negativity. We come across the negative affirmation such as don't jump red signal, don't use mobile phone when on road, don't drink and drive. Negative biased brain picks up negative affirmation and we act accordingly and consequently road accident deaths are on the rise. The road accident deaths are increasing due to lack of commitment and lack of correction. The human mistakes can be corrected and commitment can be made to end the road carnage. We are changing the habit and negative biased mindset, we are educating and monitoring road users actions and behavior on road, we are mobilizing COMMITMENTS through the PSA 40 the road safety oath which is the first and foremost tool of the 21 tool assets of DOAP toolkit. The road safety oath which is a safety & victory mantra constituted in line with the positive affirmation, the negative affirmation has been excluded. We encourage road users to burn the negative affirmation and feed the positive affirmation, a controlled input to get a controlled output to end road carnage. Burn up the negativity before it burns you out. We are maintaining road safety proficiency profile of road users so as to ensure the CONSISTENCY in their actions and behaviour on roads which no one is doing in India and across the world. We have marked 26th November as the world road safety oath day. There is a famous proverb that states: Spare the rod, spoil the child. The character building begins right at childhood, if it is missed and not strictly and properly educated and monitored then a weak character will develop. It is often noticed that parents might have corrected the children but the children have refused to make the corrections. Road users are spoilt for choice and preferring convenience over safety thereby mistakenly choosing accidental suicide on roads. Road users were not strictly and properly educated and monitored in the beginning and now even after the increased traffic fine and strict enforcement, road accident deaths are on the rise because road users have become habitual offenders. New motor bill with increased fine has also been failed to reduce the road accident deaths, but DOAP TOOLKIT will end road carnage by 2030 in India. Together we will achieve the common smart goal and a biggest change can be measured with how many people are supporting it. ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL. UNITED WE WIN AND DIVIDED WE FALL
THE GROUP OF INDIAN ARMY, group of Karnataka Police, Mr. Rajendra Kumar - IAS (Principal Secretary to Govt. of Karnataka, Department of Transport, Mr. Parasuraman TR (Joint Managing Director - Toyota Industries), DCP Vedesh Kumar and many other dignitaries joined the momenotus occasion (7th Foundation Day of Mother India Care) on 26th Nov 2021 at Century Club in Bangalore and inaugurated the National Movement to end road carnage. In the below picture alll have joined to form a human map of India and sung the national anthem and inaugurated the National Movement. Mr. Rajendra Kumar - IAS (Principal Secretary to Govt. of Karnataka, Department of Transport, Mr. Parasuraman TR (Joint Managing Director - Toyota Industries), DCP Vedesh Kumar, along with other dignitaries launching the Decade of Action Plan - DOAP Toolkit to end road carnage by 2030 Indian Army persons, police persons and guests joined to launch and support DOAP Toolkit - Group photograph at Wodiyar hall of century club Bangalore.