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Amal Bharat Andolan
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Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam.....
Sustainable Road Safety Center
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Road Safety Academy
Action & Prevention
National Dare of Mother India Care
Gimba Therapy
Unification - For Sustainable Road Safety
In the absence of vehicles, road crashes were nonexistent. While vehicles have propelled our advancement, they also pose significant risks to our lives. We place our trust in science, yet it often addresses one issue only to create multiple others. Although science has provided us with vehicles, it has also introduced adverse effects. We have accepted the harsh reality of risks, masked by the allure of immediate gratification.If there is a problem, there is a reason and solution for it.
Global community is engaged in finding the solution for behavior change. If the behavior change is not done immediately, then it will turn into reflex & once that happens, even God cannot change the reflex. Awareness campaigns are not the solution, we have to run preparedness campaigns. The road safety awareness campaign of road safety guardians currently reaching only the first level, whereas it should reach the fourth level. Why does it remain at the first level and how can it reach the fourth level? The answers to these questions are given below in A2K Important factors of Road Safety Sustainability.
A2K Important Factors of Road Safety Sustainability
1. Increasing deaths in road accidents is a burning issue in the world in general and especially India is at number one in the world in terms of deaths in road accidents.
2. Road accident crashes is the most neglected epidemic in India.
3. All road users are having an attitude of I know everything and feel what they have learned through their mind guidance is correct and final. This finality is proving to be fatal as everyday around 500 road users are dying and around 1100 road users are getting disabled in road crashes in India. This worst thing is these numbers are increasing.
4. People think they can learn through the experience, whereas we are not going to live for 1000 years to learn everything of our own. We have to learn from the books and we have to learn under the expert guidance, not the mind guidance.
5. Half knowledge is not dangers, but the illusion of the full knowledge based on the half knowledge is dangerous.
5. A self-taught person is a poor teacher and a worst student. If knowledge can be acquired by our own, then educational institutions should be closed.
1 If a doctor, while doing health examination and diagnosis, mentions the wrong disease in the report instead of the correct disease, then the actual disease will increase and become chronic. Who is responsible for misdiagnosis in such a situation – the patient or the doctor?
2 Road safety health investigators have also incorrectly referred to road traffic tragedies as road accidents instead of road crashes. The term accident suggests a tragedy where in no fault is involved, which is beyond our control. The term crash suggests a collision wherein fault is involved (either behavioral error or infrastructural error or both). Due to this misdiagnosis and terminology error, road users have become insensitive to road accidents (actually term crashes) as they believe that these are natural and beyond our control.
3. All road users have learned driving activity from expert and stored the driving activities in their brain and activate the auto-pilot functionality of their brain when the mind is absent from driving activities. Road users have not learned cognitive situation management and haven’t stored cognitive activities in the brain and not activated the auto-pilot functionality of the brain when the mind is absent from the cognitive activities.
4. Research has established that our attention span is reduced to 4 or 5 seconds, and when the mind is absent from the task, the brain goes to resting mode. When the mind comes back to the present task and the brain takes 1.3 seconds time to respond and the road crash occurs in one second.
5. No one has learned how to do cognitive situation management and everyone is managing as their mind guides them. While the mind always encourages us to do the easy things instead of the right things. As a result all road users have become cognitive biased in addition to mental biased where as they have to be cognitive coherent.
6. Various scientists have found that road accidents are occurring due to human behavioral errors. Various scientists around the world have said that road users will make mistakes and we have to work out what contributes to making mistakes. Accidents and mistakes are both contradictory claims. If accidents happen there is no mistake and if mistakes happen it is not an accident, it is a crash. These contradictory claims are creating insensitivity in the public and then we should not blame the society.
7. While dealing with the belief system of creating poison in the body, a research university in the United States was successful in creating poison in the body of a criminal through the belief system of cobra bite punishment. Calling accident to crash and making the public to believe it as beyond our control, making them to believe as natural disaster. As a result public has developed a belief system that road accidents (crashes) are unavoidable and beyond our control. The public has become insensitive and around 500 people are dying in road accidents every day in India, people are dying prematurely due to the misconception .
1. If behavior can be changed with awareness, then no one will smoke after seeing warming message of smoking is injurious to health.
2. It takes two hands to clap and two parties to collide, but in recent Jaipur disaster, the LPG tanker has been given a clean chit whereas both parties are guilty.
3. In Pune Porche car crash, the mistakes of the bike rider is overlooked, as he did not stop at the point near the pillar before taking a U turn and failed to ensure safety, failed to assume the vehicle coming from the left. No doubt car was over speeding, but that bike rider failed to notice the over speeding car which he could have done and avoided the road crash.
4. Road users place 100% or 50% responsibility for road crash prevention on others, whereas this 100% prevention responsibility lies with each road user. Thise who want to be united, unify and take responsibility of road crashes with immediate effect, and people who don’t want to take responsibility of their actions and behavior on roads, they shall not be trusted and god also cannot change them.
5. An extinguished lamp can’t illuminate other extinguished lamps, a blind person can’t guide other blind individuals, a mind-slave person can’t guide other mind-slaves to mind mastery, the intended purpose will not be achieved.
6. We should keep our eyes, ears, and, mind open, and, always be ready to change our opinion, as we gather more knowledge. Learn from our spiritual scientist mind management mind and cognitive situation management in road safety and become a master of your mind.
7. Spraying water on the leaves, plant cannot become fruitful, unless the water is supplied to the root of the plant. Spraying knowledge on the superficial level, knowledge cannot become fruitful unless the knowledge is supplied to the inner intelligence.
8. If we spray more and more water on the leaves, the water will reach the roots of the plant. If a joke is told more than three times, we start getting bored and even resist repeating it.
9. The melting point of iron is 1538 degrees Celsius, at which point energy transformation occurs, allowing it to take on the desired shape. Similarly, gold melts at 1064 degrees Celsius, and upon reaching this temperature, it undergoes energy transformation to form the desired shape for jewelry.
10 In a similar manner, efforts also have a melting point at which energy transformation occurs. Once this melting point is reached, the transformation of energy takes place, leading to the formation of the desired habit. If the melting point is not achieved, energy transformation will not happen, resulting in a weakened inner intelligence, and individuals may abandon their efforts due to a reliance on instant gratification.
11. Road safety guardians are promoting the awareness message that road safety is a shared responsibility, as a result road users are shifting 50% or more of the responsibility for crash prevention onto others.
12. You are not as others see you and others are not as you see them. When you check your mind, you stop blaming others for your problems.
32. Let us find out what is right not who is right and do what is right not who is right. Let us find our what were we, what are we and what will we be and find the issue and its solution. Let us involve all in the national movement on road safety sustainability.
1. The team comprises of scientists, psychologists, educationists, spiritualists, cardiologists and analysts at Mother India Care has taken years of research and hard work and has developed revolutionary solution for sustainable road safety.
2. We have and also constituted a super special pedagogy on road safety by addressing the A2Z aspects of road safety.
3. We have also devised a Gimba Therapy as an important part of this the revolutionary to establish desired stable behavior in road safety.
4. During the root cause analysis the team MIC have found various root causes, and designed best solutions to address all those issues.
5. The solution include audit of road users, audit of road safety guardians, audit of road crash victim. If the road crash victim is linked to any road safety guardians, the ranking of that road safety guardians will be lowered.
6. We kept cleaning the mirror, the dirt was on the face. Since many decades we kept using the term road accidents instead of road crashes for road traffic tragedies.
7. We are the problem and we are the solution. We must learn our inner world and how to use it more effectively in the changing circumstances of the outer world.
1. First and foremost thing is first you understand what is right not who is right and make up the mindset to do what is right not what is easy. If you feel what is right and others must be aware of with this reality then as a collective responsibility and responsible citizen, promote this fact in your circle of family, relative, friends and associates. We have to involve everyone by leaving no one behind as the way we overcome pandemic.
2. We question the world but we never question ourselves. You are not as others see you and others are not as you see them, So, let's all stop judging. Look inside yourself and outside of others and this will give a clear picture of the reality and true truth. Register your road users profile and get your road users registration number. Take the online test of introspection.
3. Learn cognitive meditation and how to and what to do in what situation.
4. Make a resolution, road safety oath and an oath of commitment to nation as a binding to the nation.
5. Store cognitive activities in the brain through Gimba Therapy
6. Didactic Cognitive Workout Workshop (DCWW) to form a habit and samskara so that you become strict follower of road traffic rules, you activate your brain’s auto-pilot
7. Monitor your daily action and behavior on roads using our web bast tools.
1. There is no charge for road users registration and introspection, online test.
2. Free concept is not sustainable, as someone somewhere pays for it. Free things are not respected and not valued. We can not add value to our life with free things. Knowledge never comes free, you have to pay attention. People who don’t pay they don’t pay attention.
3. When we come in this world, someone spend money for that. For our upbringing and education someone spend money for us. When we leave this world someone spend money for us, Because of this free service we have developed a tendency of free loading. We want everything for free without making any efforts. We want someone should make efforts for us, someone should spend money for us.
We have provided set a video tutorials, you can watch and perform. Additionally you can book your online group session and individual session, and our spiritual scientist will guide you step by step.
1. We have devised a revolutionary solution to achieve vision 100% sustainable safe road travel for all in India by 2030. All road users must be a part of the solution, if you are not a part of the solution then you are a part of the problem.
2. Stop passing the responsibility of your safety on others. Your safety is your responsibility. Road users are passing their road safety responsibility on others. Bay taking the responsibility, taking the responsibility equals taking the accountability, taking the accountability equals taking the ownership of your actions and behavior on roads.
3. Angels understand with signs, humans understand with words, and animals understand with sticks, Let us maintain human standards.
4. Taking action to prevent a disaster is humane and waiting for the disaster to occur and then taking action for relief is inhumane. When the disaster strikes, time for preparation is already passed.
5 By failing to prepare we are preparing to fail. Prepare & prevent in place of repair & repent. Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance - PPPPP.- 5Ps. Awareness represents the most basic level of impact, while preparedness signifies the highest.
6. The road users who don’t want to take the responsibility of their actions and behavior on roads, they should not be trusted because no force in the universe can heal them, not even god.
1. Mother India Care has made the hard launch of Amal Bharat Andolan focused on road safety, coinciding with its 10th foundation day and the 75th Constitution Day in Bangalore. The movement's slogan is “Do good work immediately, Do it now – Do it right now.” Our aim is to engage everyone, ensuring no one is left behind.
2. Embrace advanced inner mastery in road safety, rather than resorting to preventable tragedies, artificial limbs, and crutches. Focus on preparation and prevention rather than repair and regret. Effective preparation can save 500 valuable lives lost to preventable crashes each day.
3. It is easy to change ourselves than to change the world. If we unite at one platform and make a combined and powerful effort to bring a biggest change in the society then it will last for long time. Any change is measured by how many people supported the change, and hence unification.
4. In unification phase we have to complete the registration process and introspection process which is simple and our spiritual scientists will support you. In participation process, we have to make a resolution, transfer information in the brain memory. In preparation process we have to practice and form our habit and complete the evaluation process. Our spiritual scientist will guide you in all the phases which are user friendly and made more simple.
5. A National platform to address A2Z aspects of road safety including the road rage death incidents.
6. If a person keeps standing at the intersection of roads and keeps asking for directions to New Delhi, but does not take even a single step in that direction, that person will never be able to reach his destination. We have to become performers instead of inquirers.
7. We have to involve all road users leaving no one behind. Nothing will happen with my alone efforts, or if mindset of people is that if other people are not making changes then what is the point. Imagine if Bhagat Singh had thought about what was the benefit of his sacrifice, but he contributed to the freedom movement. History is remembering and honoring those who contribute to the national movement.
8. Mother India Care ushered in Mahabharata 2 and prepared 12 pillars cognitive engineering program, a Chakravyu for the mind, as mind is ruling us since the beginning of the time. A battle with 1Self by 1Self has begun to rule over our mind.
9. We have also issued recommendations to center government to make laws as recommended in the clause 26 of this report. We have also issued recommendations to in the and state government for the implementation of our recommendations in their state. But the government will take steps considering various steps including the public protests sponsored by the opposition.
10. Our responsibilities are not limited to just building and maintaining our house. It is our dutiful responsibility to participate in nation building activities and become respectable citizens of India. To improve the country, improve yourself, the improvement of the country is linked to your improvement.
12. Road users from across the country have started joining the movement to form a coalition and powerful effort to bring about the biggest long lasting changes in the society. Although we have many differences, we are all Indians. We have to rise above caste, creed and language and unite.. Join the movement and make 10 members to join and become Revolutionary Hero - क्रांतिकारीनायक and make 100 members to join and become Revolutionary Superhero क्रांतिकारीमहानायक
1. Mother India Care is registered as public charitable trust on 26th Nov 2014 in Bangalore and promoting road safety and other objectives since its inception.
2. The organization was registered on the anniversary of the founder's father's passing, who tragically lost his life in a road accident after being left unattended for four hours at the scene. He was a retired army personnel and a hero of the 1965 war.
3. Determined that no one else should endure a similar fate, the founder committed himself fully to this cause, working with unwavering dedication and passion since the inception of Mother India Care.
4. A unit of the Indian Army has periodically provided voluntary support for the organization's road safety campaigns, which stands as a significant strength for the initiative.
5. The late Dr. KRK Raman, a distinguished scientist who worked with Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam at ISRO, was instrumental in addressing the fundamental issues related to sustainable and safe road travel for everyone.
6. The dedicated team of Researchers, scientists, psychologists, cardiologists, educators, analysts & spiritualists at Mother India Care MIC has discovered lack of cognitive knowledge among all road users as the root cause. A revolutionary solution has been discovered in the form of an 11 pillars cognitive engineering program to establish desired stable behavior in road safety.
7. The team MIC has also developed a super special pedagogy of road safety that merges scientific principles with spiritual insights, covering A2Z aspects of road safety. Additionally, they have developed a special mechanism called Gimba Therapy that plays an important role in transforming public awareness into preparedness.
8. Kudos to Dr. Jyotsna Singh, a psychologist and neuroscientist, along with her entire team at Mother India Care, for their efforts in completing the research paper & creating a comprehensive project report on National Road Safety. This executive research white paper aims to achieve the vision 100% safe road travel for all in India by 2030. Click here to view more details
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