Cognitive engineering is the science and process of acquiring, processing, and applying knowledge. It involves a variety of activities, including perception, practice, beliefs, memory, reasoning, problem-solving, and decision-making, which are part of our intellectual development and experience.
Road users develop their ability to transform information received from different sources (learning, practice, experience, perception and belief) into knowledge through various cognitive processes.
They transfer cognitive information and activities to their brain's memory and activate their brain’s autopilot functionality, when their mind is diverted from the task of cognitive activities. Just as they have activated their brain’s autopilot functionality for driving activities when their mind is diverted from the task of driving activities.
When our mind is engaged in cognitive activities our brain is active and when our mind is diverted from the task of cognitive activities, our brain goes to resting state. When our mind comes back to the current task, our brain takes 1.3 seconds to react whereas accidents occurs in one second.
Research has established that our attention span has decreased to 4 to 5 seconds and just imagine how often our brains are diverting from the riskiest tasks and leaving us prone to accidental suicides. Lack of cognitive attention and increase in cognitive distractions are the root causes of increasing road traffic tragedies.
Wrong judgment driven by cognitive biases leads to accidental suicide for more than 500 road users every day in India. Road traffic tragedies occur as a result of lack of cognitive attention and lack of default mode activation of the brain for cognitive activities.
Achieving cognitive consonance requires cultivating self-awareness, analyzing motivations behind behaviors, challenging ingrained assumptions, and embracing discomfort.
Expertise in vehicle control does not mean that you also have expertise in cognitive control, Road users lack awareness of cognitive activities, poor preparedness in cognitive engagements, and poor performance in cognitive operations and cognitive controls, which is one of the leading causes of road traffic accidents.
Every road user must join cognitive engineering program to improver their cognitive operations as a foundation for sustainable road safety.
The 12 pillars cognitive engineering program are:
Click here to know step by step complete process of cognitive engineering program |