National Road Safety Survey
Road safety not only means following road traffic mobility rules but also following road traffic cognitivity rules. All road users are well aware of road traffic mobility rules but not road traffic cognitivity rules. Road users have to pay cognitive attention in all the 10 cognitive directions and engage in 16 cognitive activities to prevent road traffic tragedies. This means the attention pays a major role to prevent road traffic tragedies.
The attention span is reduced to just 4 to 5 seconds. When the mind is paying cognitive attention, our brain is active and when the mind goes off from the current task, the brain goes to resting mode. When the mind comes back to pay attention on the current task, the brain’s reaction time is just 1.3 seconds and road traffic tragedy occurs in just one second.
Road users have stored driving activities in the brain and activated the brains’ autopilot functioning for driving activities when the mind is absent. Road users have not activated the brain’s autopilot functioning for cognitive activities when the mind is absent.
This means all road users must store cognitive activities in their brain and activate the brain’s autopilot functionality for cognitive activities else road traffic tragedies will continue and keep one increasing. If we do not address the root cause of the problem, we will act as emergency services. The root cause is the lack of cognitive attention and lack of cognitive intelligence and the revolutionary solution is establishing road safety sacraments (Sadak Suraksha Sanskar) thru cognitive engineering program ..
Road users face new and different situations on the road every day and have to handle them on their own, which is called cognitive situation management (CSM), and no school or institute in India is teaching CSM. As a result all road users have become cognitive bias and mental bias whereas they have to be cognitive coherent, expertise of cognitive situation management and mind master through 12 pillars cognitive engineering program. The solution is beneficial to all road users and not profitable to some vested interests.
Mother India Care has introduced scientifically proven effective solution for the root cause of road traffic tragedies called cognitive engineering program. Road users can store cognitive activities in the brain to activate the brain’s autopilot functionality when the mind is absent. It also increases the attention span of road user on the roads, aiming to achieve vision 100% sustainable safe road travel for all in India by 2030
If we do not implement effective solutions to the root causes of road traffic crashes, road traffic deaths will continue to increase and we will continue to operate large-scale emergency services.
Click here to participate in National Wisdom Survey and Regsiter your road user profile in the National Road Safery Atlas. Right now the listing is free and we are registering every road user by ensuring no one is left behind.
In India, 5.23 lakh people have died due to pandemic over the last three years. In the same period, despite the lockdown, 4.43 lakh people have died in road crashes, and 11.2 lakh people became disabled in road accidents, otherwise even more people would have died in road accidents than the deaths due to the pandemic. This means that road accident deaths are a serious issue and even deadlier than the pandemic. We are divided and dying and we must unite to overcome this road accident deaths just like we united during the pandemic. These road crash deaths have become a serious epidemic and are even deadlier than the pandemic. We have already crossed the emergency alert level and the clouds of impending disaster is looming over us. Unfortunately, we are unaware of this fact and only when the news of road accident death comes prominently in the media, we realize about the issue for some time and then we ignore it. If this daily road carnage continues then in the next 30 years the daily road accident deaths will increase to 50000 per day, every third person will become disabled, our economy will become disabled and the annual GDP loss will increase to 60 Lakh crore from the present 5.96 lakh crore. Then we have to increase the manufacturing of artificial legs, arms and crutuches in India. If we don't upgrade immediately, our precious lives or our natural arms & legs will be uninstalled and we wil have to install artificial ones.
We discuss this issue but do not take any steps in that direction. Every road user is thinking that he is an experienced road user and following the road traffic rules, and he will not die in road traffic accidents and all others are inexperienced road users and they are violating the road traffic rules and they are dying in road traffic crashes.
Every day around 500 road users are dying and around 1100 people are getting disabled due to road crashes in India and they were also saying the same thing. The main problem, among other things, is that all road users are incapable of paying dedicated attention to the roads and no one can dispute this fact. We are the problem and we are the solution. If we are not part of the solution, we are part of the problem.
Bad things happen when good people remain silent. It is a sin to be part of the problem when it is your duty to be part of the solution. If we remain neutral in the event of road traffic crashes around us, we have chosen the side of the perpetrator. If we want to remain part of the problem then we should stay indoors and in lockdown as road crash deaths had reduced during the pandemic lockdown.
Human behavioral errors accounts for the 96% of road crash deaths. Mind Guided learning is an inefficient memory and road users have considered it as an inner intelligence. Expert guided learning is an efficient memory and always considered as inner intelligence. This finality is being proved fatal as everyday around 500 road users are dying in road crashes. A self-taught person is a poor teacher and a worst student. If self-learning is sufficient then we don't need educational institutions.
Road users have not learned road safety skills and the skill gap has been filled by the mind guided learning and they have considered it correct and final. They are considering inefficient memory as intelligence which is an illusion and accidental deaths are increasing and we are living carelessly with this biggest problem. We cannot become what we want by remaining what we are. If we keep doing what we've always done, we'll get what we've always got.
Everyone wants to end this daily road carnage but that is the result of a process that everyone must follow. If you don’t sacrifice for what you want, what you want becomes sacrifice. यदि आप जो चाहते हैं उसके लिए बलिदान नहीं देते, तो जो आप चाहते हैं वह बलिदान बन जाता है। If we stop upgrading ourselves, we will get uninstalled. Due to not upgrading ourselves, around 500 of our fellow road users in India are losing their precious lives every day in road accidents. Upgrading requires more effort, not more comfort. Comfort produces weakness and being weak is useless. Either we should solve the problem or leave the problem but we should not live with the problem. If we cannot leave the problem then we must solve the problem at all cost. Vision without action is illusion and action without vision is confusion. We have set a goal "Vision 100% Sustainable Safe Road Travel For All". All road users across the world are experts in road use, but we are taking all road users to the next level i.e. Super Expert in road safety thru our unique invention. After years of long research work by a team of professionals, MIC has invented a revolutionary solution to a global problem. MIC has constituted Super Special Pedagogy SSP of Road Safety for Sustainable and safe road travel for all” by 2030 in India. The SSP of road safety is a confluence of science and spirituality. We are offering Didactive Course & Workout Workshops - DCWW to road users & prepares them to become master of self-control in an out of control world through inner world mastery. The current education and its process is not working for behavior change whereas with DCWW road users are uninstalling their existing behaviour and installing desired stable behavior and that is the uniqueness of our SSP of Road Safety. We are addressing A2Z of road safety in this pedagogy. Click here to know more about this proud journey for achieving this milestone. Varoious scientists have stated that road users will make mistakes and we have to make changes in the outer world that contribute to these errors. But the spiritual scientists at MIC corrobortate that road users can not make mistakes with inner mastery. Global community is imparting the road safety education and its process which has become ineffective for behavior change because it is related to the outer world mastery. Without the mastery in the inner world, we can never achieve the mastery in the outer world... Our SSP Pedagogy of road safety is advanced version and very effective for inner mastery. The formula also so unique that any common person can validate its effectiveness and don't need any third-party validation. We transform public awareness into preparedness, inner crastness into smartness in road safety through the inner world mastery we provide to become a master of self-control in an out of control world and establish a desired stable behavior.
Vegetarians never violate dietary rules out of their urge to urgency and gratification because they have strengthened their inner intelligence. Similarly, road users with DCWW can strengthened their inner intelligence to work like robotic intelligence in road safety. Road users participate in a group of 10 members because single arrow can be broken but 10 arrows can't be. A single person can stop practice but a group of 10 members can't. On completion of DCWW they become honorary member of Citizen India Club - CIC. They come to know and understand their rights and responsibilities towards the nation and get involved in nation building activities. At CIC we foster a culture of law-abiding first-class citizens. A big congratulations to Team MIC for inventing a revolutionary solution for sustainable safe road travel around the world. We are expressing our sincere gratitude to Hon'ble Lokayukta Justice BS Patil for becoming our strength. We are also thankful to Dr. AS Kiran Kumar (ISRO Chairman), Dr. VM Katoch (Former Health Secretary Govt. of India), Brigadier A Dilip Kumar, Major General SP Yadav, Brigadier C Dayalan, Shri Rajendra Kumar - IAS Principal Secretary Govt of Karnataka, Shri MN Venkatachaliah ) Former Chief Justice of India) Lt. General AP Singh, Shri MN Anuchet - IPS (Jt. Commissioner of Polce - Traffic) & Shri TR Parasuraman from Toyota Industries for extending support to us and becoming our strength from time to time in this super special journey. AMAL BHARAT ANDOLAN
On 26th Nov 2024 we have celebrated our 10th Foundation Day and stated Amal Bharat Andolan. All key stakeholders can collaborate with us to make the best use of SSP of Road Safety for sustainable safe road travel across the world. The movement starts from within, then from home, then on the streets and then to the country and the world. This is the movement that brings change and creates history for the betterment of the society, nation and the world.
We have started Amal Bharat Andolan to engage every road user in India for a sustainable safe road travel for all by 2030 in India. We are garnering commitments for this national movement and counting on every commitment of loyal citizens. Then we are going to make this a global movement and starting action implementation movement across the world to bring about the biggest change for sustainable safe road travel across the world by ensuring that No one is left behind in the country and then in the world. Amal Bharat Movement is going to create history by changing the present era into a new era. Let us understand together - what we were, what we are and what we will be and go to the root and find out what the problem is and what the solution is and what is right, not who is right, and do what is right and not what is easy. The next generation will be proud of all the contributors and supporters for their support and contribution in this movement. Call for Solidarity - All for one and one for All. United we win and divided we fall. The all key stakeholders, global community and United Nation has set 50% reduction in road accident deaths which is having negative psychology. We must set the goal that we want in reality and based on positive psychology. We appeal to the global community to re-set the goal in road safety. Create an impact assessment report showing that 5% (or any ) safer roads have been achieved worldwide rather than a 5% (or any) reduction in road crash deaths globally.
Indian Army & Karnataka Police along with other dignitaries joined together to form Human Map of India on 26 Nov 2021 at Century Club - Bangalore . Shri Rajender Kumar Kataria - IAS - Transport Secretary also joined on this momentous occassion.
First SRS Center near Bangalore to be Set Up on Old Madras Road
Mother India Care is a National Level and registered Public Charitable Trust, directly benefitting children, women & their families, through various welfare projects on education, healthcare, livelihood and women empowerment, in most of the remote villages and slums across 25 states of India. Our Main and National Project is setting up of Chain of Sustainable Road Safety Centers (SRSCs) on major highways across India to provide road safety traning, timely relief to accident victims during first critical and golden hour and also to manage any Chemical, Radiological, Biological & Nuclear - CRBN outbreak in India. We are providing art of road safety training to road users so that the accidents can be prevented at its first point of collision. We believe that this can bring considerable change in the society. Having observed the number of daily Road accident deaths, which is a man made disaster and we have taken up the task to prevent the road accident and because in every 4 minutes 1 person is dying in road accident in India. There is a need to join together to put a brake to daily road accidents and also to provide timely help to accident victims at accident spot. We also giving open invitation to public to join us to learn the basic tips to provide Pre-First Aid Care to the road accident victims so as to provide timely support to accident victims.
All Road Users Come Back Safely
Free Meal For Poor ![]() Empower Women ![]() National Safety Brigade ![]() |